WorldCrafts Blog

New Products from The WellHouse!
WorldCrafts artisan partner The WellHouse just outside Birmingham, Alabama, seeks to honor our Father by providing rescue and opportunities for restoration to women who have survived human trafficking and specifically sexual exploitation. The WellHouse never charges residents for living quarters, therapy, case management, and other services. The Impact of The WellHouse WorldCrafts’ partnership with The […]

Anadoule: Making an Impact in Turkey
WorldCrafts artisan group Anadoule’s purpose is to provide dignified work for local artisans and to keep their tradition of hand-painted ceramic art alive. Located in the Anatolian region of Turkey, this group of artisans once hand painted items for the tourist industry. At best, the work was limited and often unpredictable. The artisans could not depend on their […]

Love Calcutta Arts: Making an Impact in India
The scarring influence of the sex trade does not affect just one generation in India. Despairing mothers often leave a legacy of poverty and prostitution to their daughters, who in turn carry on because they know no other lifestyle. Enter Love Calcutta Arts. Its handicrafts unit enables young women to support themselves with dignity and […]

Proverbs 31 Women: Supporting Women in Uganda
WorldCrafts artisan partner Proverbs 31 Women in Uganda employs women and provides them with badly needed income to meet their families’ most basic needs, such as food and rent. Proverbs 31 Women’s Ministry Members of this ministry make jewelry pieces and are provided a fair wage to support themselves along with their families. Due to […]

Olive Wood Products Making an Impact in Jordan
WorldCrafts artisan group Glad Tidings employs talented artisans in Jordan. These artisans hand carve beautiful items out of local olive wood. The Impact of Your Purchase In Jordan, people with disabilities are often in the position of living as “takers” and search for whatever handouts they can persuade someone to give them. Through Glad Tidings, […]

Sari Products Handmade with Love in India!
WorldCrafts artisan group ConneXions employs underprivileged women from the slums of Calcutta, India. ConneXions has trained the artisans how to make products out of their traditional saris using the kantha, a traditional Indian embroidery technique. The Impact of Your Purchase The women artisans of ConneXions work primarily from their homes while looking after their children […]

The Joy Bracelet: Handmade by Human Trafficking Survivors at The Lily House
Camila’s* life did a complete one-eighty when she learned how to create jewelry at The Lily House. “I knew how to do nothing with my hands before The Lily House,” said Camila. “The only thing I knew to do was sell my body. Now I make beautiful things with dignity.” Extending a Purpose to Victims […]

New from Baptist Friendship House!
Baptist Friendship House in New Orleans, Louisiana, works to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the homeless, human trafficking survivors, and those living in poverty. Baptist Friendship House is a registered Christian Women’s Job Corps site of national WMU. It offers tutoring for people wanting to obtain their high school equivalency diploma, computer […]

WMU Compassion Ministries Are Making an Impact in Uganda
Imagine waking up each day, walking nearly 3 miles to gather water from a dirty pool of water off of a water dam, and then having to walk 3 miles back home with water for your family that isn’t even clean. For the women and children in the village of Kaleire, Uganda, this was the […]