The Mully movie will change your perspective and build your faith.
The Mully movie will introduce you to Charles and Esther Mully and their work at Mully Children’s Family in Kenya. Born into a family scarred by extreme poverty, alcoholism, and abuse, Charles was abandoned at the age of six. From this painful beginning, Charles worked his way up through the class structure in Kenya to become a successful businessman. Eventually, he amassed a multimillion dollar fortune that enabled him to jet around the world with Esther and their eight children. His future seemed limitless. And then, at the height of his success, God called Charles out of this world of wealth and back to the streets to rescue abandoned children. He has rescued and taken guardianship of over 12,000 orphans, offering them safety and security and hope for the future.
“We serve the living God by serving the needy in the society. Nobody should be chased away or turned away, but instead be served with love, assured with hope, and made to feel relieved.”
Charles Mully says of his ministry, “We serve the living God by serving the needy in the society. Nobody should be chased away or turned away, but instead be served with love, assured with hope, and made to feel relieved.”
Here are ten reasons you must see Mully:
- Do you feel hopeless as you look around the world? Do you question where God is in the middle of all this suffering? Mully will assure you God is very present in the lives of His children. You will see how He redeems even the worst circumstances. We see that we can even rejoice in suffering as we are able to comfort others with the comfort we have received from God.
- Do you wonder if it is too late to turn your circumstances around? Mully will show you God never stops creating new beginnings. He gives us a new heart and a new mind. In His power, the old things pass away and all things can become new.
- Are you afraid you are unworthy of the kingdom of God? Mully will give you a glimpse into God’s redemptive plan for the world. You will see that God loves the whole world. He desires to restore your joy. In God’s kingdom, He chooses the humble and the weak to lead His people.
- Do you believe you are too insignificant to be used by God? Mully will teach you how much God can do when you speak the simple word Yes. When we submit to His will, He will guide us in His way. God will do great things with your Yes.
- Do you feel like your prayers go no further than the ceiling? Mully will demonstrate that God’s eyes are on His children and He is faithful to answer their prayers. His answers are always for our good and His glory.
- Are you dealing with sickness and pain, financial difficulty, problems with your family? Do you sense that your situation is impossible? Mully will reveal that miracles still happen today. We need to put aside our skepticism and cynicism and put on the faith of a child to see how He is at work in the midst of our circumstances.
- Do you feel that the world’s problems are too big for one person? Mully will introduce you to the strength of one. One person, one choice, one action can truly transform the world.
- Are you concerned about the increasing disintegration of families in our culture? Mully demonstrates God’s steadfast, eternally enduring love at work in the marriage of Charles and Esther Mully. Watch how they extend that love and grace to their children and to all of the fatherless in Kenya.
- Are you worried about the future? Mully exhibits God’s provision for His children. We see how He wants us to care for the world and to care for His people. You will be introduced to the idea of sustainable discipleship as a means of transforming our culture.
- Are you seeking your own purpose in life? After seeing the film, reflect on how God is using the Mully family to transform Kenya. Spend time in prayer seeking how He wants to use you in your own community. Reach out to explore both local and international ministries.
We pray that when you see the Mully movie you will experience God’s love, hope and grace. We pray you will feel relief in the knowledge that He is your provider and sustainer.
The Mully movie is now available on DVD .