Monthly Archives: December 2018

December 20, 2018
How You Can Support Human Trafficking Victims
In the US, the National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness is observed on January 11. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. Poverty, war, gender inequality, and lack of opportunity breed desperation. Human traffickers manipulate desperate people with the promise of beautiful lives, quality educations and equitable salaries. Each year, millions […]

December 5, 2018
Begin Anew: Ministering to Refugees
The artisans of Begin Anew Refugee Artisan Group are all refugees recently resettled in the Nashville area. When these women come to the US, they are grateful they’ve been resettled in a nation of freedom. But, in the midst of these freedoms they are also bound by fear. Thrust into an unknown culture filled with […]