The love of a mother has the power to transform lives. This transforming love is clearly on display in the lives of the Mully Children’s Family artisans at the Yatta Vocational Training Centre in Kenya.
In this region of Eastern Africa, poverty leaves young women vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. Esther Mully understands this first-hand as she herself was brought up in a poverty-stricken family.
A Story Shaped by Love
Esther’s life story shaped her dream of liberating other young women from poverty. As a young woman working on a farm outside of Nairobi, Esther met Charles Mully, the man who would become her husband. During their early years of marriage, Charles grew a multi-million dollar empire, and the couple had eight biological children. His financial success brought them to the pinnacle of the social circles of Kenya and throughout the world.
After years of jet-setting, God used a series of events to call Charles to give up all of his businesses and wealth to save orphans off the street. Esther joined Charles wholeheartedly in submitting to the Father’s plan for their lives. Together, they have taken in, cared for, and educated more than 12,000 at-risk Kenyan children. She says that she was able to love all the children because God has given her a special gift of love.
“I have learned that there is no one who can’t change.” ~Esther Mully
Esther shares that her early childhood steeped in poverty and the years she spent caring for Charles’ nine siblings were God’s preparation for serving poor children and child mothers. She says that while her calling has been difficult, it is not a burden because her Father has given her a spirit of love for all of those who are underprivileged.
A Transformation Created by Love
Today, Esther counsels young women who’ve been rescued out of trafficking and exploitation and brought to Yatta. She teaches the young mothers to care for themselves and their children. In addition to teaching them life skills and spiritual counsel, she also teaches them skills such as sewing and jewelry-making. Mummy Esther, as she is known to her girls, enables these women to earn sustainable incomes with dignity.
Esther wants each young woman who comes through Yatta to learn that she can be self-sufficient and independent, and that she doesn’t have to rely upon men for her future.
Above all, Esther wants the women at the Yatta Vocational Training Centre to understand that no matter what happened to them in the past, they are loved by their Father and they have hope for life now and life eternal. She says that over many years of rescuing and restoring young women, “I have learned that there is no one who can’t change.”
Products Providing Love

Through the WorldCrafts Support Freedom Campaign, the Mully Children’s Family artisans, a group of women at the Yatta Vocational Training Centre, now receive a fair wage for quilting African tribal fabric into the beautiful Yatta purses and handcrafting the unique Yatta necklaces.
When you purchase these products created by Mully Children’s Family artisans, you are partnering with WorldCrafts and with Mummy Esther to transform lives through love.