What is the Mully Movie?
The Mully Movie documents the life of Charles Mully. Charles was born in Kenya to a poverty-stricken family who endured the abuse of an alcoholic father. At the age of six, Charles woke one morning alone. His family had abandoned him. Frightened and hungry, he sought help from relatives and friends in the community. They all suffered from great poverty, so no one had the resources to feed an additional child. Eventually, in desperation Charles walked to Nairobi in search of a better life.
On the final night of its three-day screening in October, Mully had the highest attendance per screen average in US theaters. Because of its amazing reviews, Mully is returning to theaters for a one night only encore on November 9, 2017. For information about the theater locations and to purchase tickets, visit MullyMovie.com.
In Nairobi, with God’s help and through his own entrepreneurial spirit, Charles left the streets and built several successful businesses through which he amassed a multimillion dollar fortune. Charles, his wife, Esther, and their eight children felt they were on top of the world.
God’s calling, however, would lead Charles and his family to give up everything for the poorest among them. Charles’ words, “Yes, God, use me,” sent him back to the streets to rescue orphans and other vulnerable children. This decision led him to rescue over 12,000 children and to change a nation.
Watch the Mully Movie trailer.
Why See the Mully Movie?
Mully will help you inspire your community to take part in local and global ministries. Charles’ Mully is committed to bringing renewed life to the least among us. His selfless service transformed his community, and his story has the power to transform your community, too.
On the final night of its three-day screening in October, Mully had the highest attendance per screen average in US theaters. Because of its amazing reviews, Mully is returning to theaters for a one night only encore on November 9, 2017. For information about the theater locations and to purchase tickets, visit MullyMovie.com.
WorldCrafts has partnered with the Mully movie to develop several resources. These resources will help you bring the movie’s themes to life in your community:
The Mully Movie Viewer Kit includes a six-week devotional book, What It Means . . . An Exploration of Discipleship, a prayer guide, and information about ministry opportunities.
*Ten percent of sales from the viewer kit go to Mully Children’s Family.
The Mully Children’s Family Collection provides resources for learning more about orphan care, supporting artisans freed from sex trafficking by Mully Children’s Family, and unpacking the themes of discipleship in the Mully movie. This exclusive special offer is only available for purchase online and will only be available for a limited time.
The Mully Children’s Family Collection includes the following:
- Yatta Purse
- Yatta Necklace
- Orphanology: Awakening to Gospel-Centered Adoption and Orphan Care by Tony Merida and Rick Morton
- A Prayer Guide for exploring how you can be involved in the restoration of those who are oppressed and how you can serve God more fully through personal discipleship
- Mully Movie View Kit with an invitation to join us for an online study of What It Means . . . An Exploration of Discipleship, October 6—November 4, 2017
How Will Mully Impact Your Community?
Your engagement with Mully doesn’t end when the movie credits roll. Following the movie, you are encouraged to reflect on the themes that you’ve observed in the movie: restoration, redemption, and discipleship. Encourage your community to seek God’s direction in ministering to those caught in poverty, orphans and widows, and all who’ve lost hope.
The following ministries are highlighted in the viewer kit. Each of these ministries reflect God’s heart in their focus on rescuing and restoring those caught in the cycle of poverty:
Mully Children’s Family brings Christ’s love and hope through its two children’s homes, four community development centers, and sustainable agricultural farms.
WorldCrafts develops sustainable, fair-trade businesses among impoverished people around the world in order to offer an income with dignity and the hope of everlasting life to every person on earth.
Christian Women’s Job Corps/Christian Men’s Job Corps (CWJC/CMJC)
CWJC/CMJC seeks to equip women and men, in a Christian context, for life and employment through its 200 locations in the United States and throughout the world.
PWPL’s primary goal is to provide missionaries with water filters and the people they serve with clean water resources.
In the life of Charles Mully, we see the strength of one. One man’s one choice leads him to one action that has the strength to change the world.
We have come to think of Mully as more than a movie. We’ve come to think of Mully as a movement. In the life of Charles Mully, we see the strength of one. One man’s one choice leads him to one action that has the strength to change the world.
How will you join the Mully movement? You, too, can transform your community through the strength of one.