Mully Children’s Family: Working to Holistically Heal a Nation
Mully Children’s Family brings light and life to each community within its reach. Located in Kenya, where forty-two percent of the population lives below the poverty line, Mully Children’s Family (MCF) provides access to basic needs, such as education, health care, food, and clean water. Charles and Esther Mully desire to heal their nation holistically by meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of its people.
A Dream for Healing
The great poverty of Kenya leaves many young women vulnerable to sexual exploitation and trafficking. Esther Mully’s heart for these girls and women led to the creation of the Yatta Vocational Training Centre. This center emerged out of Esther’s dream to heal the hearts and minds of young women, bringing wholeness and healing to their hurting hearts. Here, women who’ve been exploited, many of them child mothers, are treated with love and respect. Esther’s desire to teach young women their own great worth, becomes apparent as you learn of the initiatives begun here in Yatta.
Education is one of the greatest weapons in the fight against trafficking and exploitation. At Yatta, destitute and victimized women are armed against future exploitation as they learn skills such as jewelry making and sewing. Women battered by the most hideous side of humanity experience healing and victory as they fashion beautiful jewelry and accessories. Victims of abuse and disease experience physical healing. Survivors of trafficking are empowered to overcome through counseling and love.
A Gift for the Future
One woman who has experienced this healing is Louise Mutua, who was rescued by MCF and cared for at Yatta. After graduation, Louise tried to get a job to support her poverty stricken family. She worked at a tailor’s shop in a market near her home. After much work, the tailor refused to pay her. Unable to find a job, Louise ran out of choices. She was forced to engage in prostitution to care for her family’s needs. During this time, Louise got pregnant with her daughter.
“I was so happy that finally someone was concerned with my life!” ~Louise Mutua
A neighbor saw Louise’s suffering and pain and reached out to her with help. This neighbor told Louise about the Yatta Vocational Training Centre and encouraged her to reach out to them. In Louise’s words, “By God’s grace, I was admitted to the training center and I was so happy to be one of the MCF beneficiaries . . . I was so happy that finally someone was concerned with my life.”
When asked what life is like at Yatta, Louise says, “I wake up at 6:30 am, clean my room, do some laundry, shower then have my breakfast, and go to work at 8:00 am. We usually have work for the day, so sometimes we might make the purses, do bead work, repair some clothes for the children or make the packaging bags. After work I usually take a shower, relax, have dinner and get ready to sleep.” Louise understands that this seemingly mundane schedule is, in reality, an amazing gift.
Her work at Yatta ensures Louise’s ability to pay her daughter’s school fees, which include fees for uniforms and supplies. She feels blessed with the certainty that her daughter can have a better life because Louise is now able to fully support her. Louise is thrilled that she is also able to support five of her siblings.
Are you wondering what Louise is doing for herself? She responds that she is saving money to purchase a sewing machine. She dreams of starting her own business, enabling her to help other women out of poverty and exploitation.
A Partnership for Sustainability
Comforting others with the comfort that you’ve received is a basic foundational goal of MCF. This is a basic tenet of human sustainability, and it is one reason that WorldCrafts is so thrilled to partner with the Mully Children’s Family artisans at the Yatta Vocational Training Centre. As WorldCrafts purchases the Yatta Purse and Yatta Necklace, we are coming alongside of MCF to provide a living wage and to restore dignity to vulnerable women.
Watch this video to learn more about our partnership with Mully Children’s Family. Your purchase of these items gives you the opportunity to partner with the Mully Children’s Family artisans, too.
Want to learn more about Mully Children’s Family? The Mully movie, detailing the incredible story of Charles and Esther Mully will be screened in 800 theaters on October 3, 4, and 5. To find a theater near you and purchase tickets, go to mullymovie.com.
Through the end of the month, for each ticket purchased, $15.00 will be donated to orphan care in the United States and Kenya.