Category Archives: Our Impact

WorldCrafts Fair-Trade Gifts for Grads
It’s that time of year when graduations are happening left and right, and it’s difficult to find time in our busy schedules to shop for all our beloved graduates! Luckily, WorldCrafts has the perfect fair-trade gifts to let your graduates know you love and support them, while simultaneously loving and supporting craftsmen around the world. […]

Starfish Project: Beautiful Jewelry that Saves Lives
One morning, an old man was walking along the beach when he came upon a boy. The boy was surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish and he was picking them up one by one and throwing them back into the ocean. Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, “Little boy, […]

How You Can Support Human Trafficking Victims
In the US, the National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness is observed on January 11. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. Poverty, war, gender inequality, and lack of opportunity breed desperation. Human traffickers manipulate desperate people with the promise of beautiful lives, quality educations and equitable salaries. Each year, millions […]

3 Ways to Support Fair-Trade Artisans this Christmas
Have you started preparing for Christmas? To help you make your gift shopping count, we’ve marked down some of our favorites for the WorldCrafts Annual Sale going on now through 11/27/18. You know, most of us are already running around decorating our houses, stressing over selecting gifts, and filling our calendars with get-togethers and events celebrating the season. And, while […]

Renewed Hope in Channapatna
Seated at his workbench, A focuses his attention on a lathe turning a block of hale wood. As the wood turns, he picks up a chisel and begins applying meticulous cuts. When the figure is carved, this Channapatna Handicrafts artisan applies layers of dyed resin to create a beautiful Nativity piece. In a day when cheap mass-produced […]

Clean Water for Light of Hope
When two ministries of WMU come together, entire communities can experience holistic healing. WorldCrafts, the fair trade division of WMU, and Pure Water, Pure Love, the clean water ministry of WMU recently joined forces to forever change the lives of 10 families in Bangladesh. Can you image what it would it be like to live without the […]

It’s Not Too Late to Honor Your Mother!
The deadline for ordering a WorldCrafts gift to be delivered in time for Mother’s Day has passed, but you can still honor your mother with a gift that provides hope to moms around the world. Your mom will love knowing that your gift in her honor helps WorldCrafts bring immediate hope to impoverished people around the world. […]

Will You Join Us in Providing Hope?
WorldCrafts is pleased to announce we’ve just released our new Hope catalog. Featuring artisans around the world, the Hope catalog highlights the ways WorldCrafts is providing hope through our fair trade partnerships with global artisans. If you like shopping online, you can browse our e-catalog. Or, if you prefer, you can request a print catalog. This catalog […]