The story of Mully Children’s Family (MCF) is a story of surrender, a story of hope, and a story of discipleship. By surrendering to God’s calling, Charles Mully gave up a vast fortune in order to care for orphans and the least of those in Kenya. Through Mully’s surrender, thousands of orphans have experienced the hope of a new life, and entire communities now have hope for the future as they are fed and given employment through the ministry of MCF. Undergirding all his work is Charles Mully’s dream of creating a culture of sustainable discipleship throughout Kenya.
On October 3 – 5, you will have the opportunity to discover the miracles for yourself as the Mully movie is screened in 800 theaters nationwide. Purchase your tickets online at mullymovie.com.
Where is your place in the Mully story?
WorldCrafts℠ is thrilled to announce that we’ve just released the Mully Children’s Family Collection! This limited-edition collection will help you explore and engage more fully with the work of MCF.
By purchasing the Mully Children’s Family Collection, you provide support for the Mully Children’s Family artisans at the Yatta Vocational Training Centre. The Training Centre is the fruit of a dream born in the heart of Esther Mully. Here, young women who have been victims of sex trafficking and exploitation find shelter and refuge and hope for a new life. WorldCrafts, through our Support Freedom Campaign, has partnered with MCF to develop the Yatta Necklace and Yatta Purse. Each of these beautiful handcrafted pieces, along with WorldCrafts’ Support Freedom catalog, are included in the collection.
Learn how to live out the words of James 1:27 with the book Orphanology: Awakening to Gospel-Centered Adoption and Orphan Care by Tony Merida and Rick Morton. As an additional component of the Mully Children’s Family Collection, this book extends the call to minister to the nearly 150 million orphans in the world with innovative, practical ideas for believers to respond tangibly to God’s call to care for the fatherless.
Experience an even deeper encounter with God through the Mully Children’s Family Collection Prayer Guide and our online Mully Movie Viewer Kit that includes an exclusive invitation to join us in an online study of the 30 day devotional book, What It Means . . . An Exploration of Discipleship. This online community study will take place October 6—November 4, 2017, and is only available to purchasers of the Mully Children’s Family Collection.
What is God calling you to do?
This limited-time special offer provides you a unique opportunity to explore how you are being called into God’s restorative work around the world. He has created you at this time for a specific purpose. What is your special place in His story?