The deadline for ordering a WorldCrafts gift to be delivered in time for Mother’s Day has passed, but you can still honor your mother with a gift that provides hope to moms around the world.
Your mom will love knowing that your gift in her honor helps WorldCrafts bring immediate hope to impoverished people around the world.
Through the WMU Foundation, you can honor or memorialize your mom with a gift to the Isaiah 58:10 Campaign. A gift to this campaign helps WorldCrafts bring eternal change to mothers and their families around the world.
We’ve created a free downloadable card you can use to tell your mom about the gift you’ve given in her honor.
A Gift to You for Honoring Your Mother
Through Mother’s Day, when you give a gift of $10 or more to the WorldCrafts Isaiah 58:10 Campaign at the WMU Foundation in honor or memory of your mom or another special woman in your life , you will automatically be entered into a drawing to win a Micah 6:8 Banner created by refugee moms at Begin Anew Refugee Artisan Group in Nashville, TN.
Each gift you give will equal one entry. The WMU Foundation will choose and announce a winner on Monday, May 14.
Why the Isaiah 58:10 Campaign?
The Father’s Cause

Causes give our lives meaning. They provide a way to care about something larger than ourselves.
Refugee activism, advocacy for victims’ rights, and prevention of animal abuse are just a few currently trending causes.
Why do people adopt a cause? Some people adopt a cause because of images and stories they’ve seen in the media. Many adopt a cause because of a family member’s involvement. Still others adopt a cause because of their own personal history.
Trending causes constantly evolve, but we serve a Father who is unchanging. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Our Father’s causes guide us directly to His heart for the poor, the orphans, the widows, those who are lost, and those who live in darkness. His Word directs us to care for the least among us. We must sacrificially pour ourselves out to meet their needs.
WorldCrafts’ Cause

This is WorldCrafts. We exist to pour ourselves out for the hungry, satisfy the desires of the afflicted, and bring light to those who live in a dark world. We desire to bring sustainable holistic change to those living in poverty around the world. WorldCrafts is devoted to following the Father’s directive in Isaiah 58:10 by establishing fair-trade partnerships with global artisans.
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted; then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.” (Isaiah 58:10, ESV)
This is our cause.
When you give to the Isaiah 58:10 Campaign, you directly help WorldCrafts artisans around the globe – artisans like Proverbs 31 Women in Uganda. These mothers and grandmothers, most of whom are widows and HIV positive, are solely supported by WorldCrafts orders. For Proverbs 31 Women artisans, a WorldCrafts order represents the opportunity to work from home, instead of being forced to prostitute themselves. With the income they receive from WorldCrafts for their handcrafted paper beads, the artisans can provide for their own children and the orphaned children of deceased family members
When you partner with us through the Isaiah 58:10 Campaign, you move WorldCrafts forward in our vision to offer an income with dignity and the hope of everlasting life to every person on earth.
How Fair Trade Supports The Father’s Cause

World Fair Trade Day is May 12, the day before Mother’s Day. What difference does fair trade make? Why is fair trade important?
Why should you care?
Fair trade touches the Father’s heart as it brings hope to the hopeless. Fair trade provides support for those who hunger and thirst. It brings courage to those who live in fear. It brings light to those who live in darkness.
Imagine the impact you can make by giving a gift to the Isaiah 58:10 Campaign in honor of your mom or another special woman on World Fair Trade Day. Through your gift, you join us in committing to His cause.
Your mom will love knowing that your gift in her honor helps WorldCrafts immediately bring hope to impoverished people by enabling them to earn a living wage.
Living wages rescue women who’ve been forced to make devastating decisions to sell themselves or their children. Living wages protect women who are vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. Living wages keep families together. Living wages enable mothers to feed their children and send them to school.
Living wages foster expectations of a bright future.

We are committed to providing a sustainable fair wage to our artisan groups and to continue developing additional opportunities for viable employment for men and women worldwide.
We are committed to offering help to the helpless and bringing those who live in darkness into His light.