The Mully Movie Changes Hearts and Lives
Every person who watches the Mully movie experiences a transformed heart. Charles Mully’s life demonstrates what God can do with hearts and minds which are submitted to Him.
The Mully movie is showing in theaters nationwide October 3 – 5. To find a theater and purchase tickets, visit mullymovie.com. For every ticket purchased prior to October 3, $15.00 will be donated to orphans in Kenya and the U.S.
Will you join us in praying for Mully in this week preceding the showing?
- Pray that all who view Mully will see how God loves His children and desires to have a relationship with them.
- Pray that those who do not yet know Him will begin to seek Him.
- Pray that believers who have drifted away from God will be drawn back to Him.
- Pray that those who have rebelled against God will feel God’s love and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Pray that they will return to Him, knowing that He extends love and grace to His prodigal children.
- Pray that those who are being called by God will submit to the ministry He has prepared for them.
- Pray that those who are walking in doubt will be healed of their unbelief.
- Pray that those who are weary will experience renewal of their faith.
- Pray that every person who sees the movie will be led to look to God with open minds, hearts, and hands. Pray that they will be ready to receive His Word.
- Pray for orphans around the world. Pray that they will be cared for and that they will learn they have an Eternal Father.
- Pray for those who’ve been exploited or trafficked. Pray that they will encounter people who can save them from a life of slavery.
- Pray God’s protection over those who are rescuing victims of slavery and exploitation. Pray for boldness and strength and financial resources to bring restoration to those who are vulnerable to traffickers.
- Pray for peace and unity in Kenya as its national election is scheduled October 17, 2017.
- Pray for Kenyans who are suffering due to drought. Ask the Father to send rain to replenish the water supply and restore their crops.
- Pray for Charles and Esther Mully and their staff at Mully Children’s Family. Ask the Father to continue to expand their territory. Ask Him to help Charles with his dream of sustainability.
- Pray for the women at the Yatta Vocational Training Centre who’ve been rescued from exploitation. Pray that God will restore their dignity and their sense of self-worth. Pray that they will learn to respect themselves as they develop self-sufficiency while learning vocational skills.
- Ask God how He wants you to respond to the Mully movie. How does He desire to transform your life? What is He asking you to give up so that He might fill that space with something even better?
As you pray for Mully, ask the Lord to soften your heart for global ministry. Ask Him how He wants you to be involved in caring for the least of these. After you’ve seen Mully, please share with us how your heart has been transformed!