WorldCrafts artisan partner The WellHouse just outside Birmingham, Alabama, seeks to honor our Father by providing rescue and opportunities for restoration to women who have survived human trafficking and specifically sexual exploitation. The WellHouse never charges residents for living quarters, therapy, case management, or other services.
The Impact of The WellHouse
Through their work-therapy program, ShopWell, residents develop various workplace skills that equip them for a career and empower them for lasting success. As a result of their work in ShopWell, residents gain confidence in their abilities and move toward self-sufficiency.
When the artisans work on a WorldCrafts order, they know their work is going to be seen all over the country, giving them hope knowing they are valuable, skilled, and can do something that contributes to a ministry doing good all over the world. They feel so accomplished when they complete the order, empowering them to take on other challenges ahead.
Special Opportunity
You have a special opportunity to preorder four new products—including the new Krystal Bracelet from The WellHouse. These unique items are exclusively available for preorder through midnight CST on Sunday, February 27, 2022. Preorders will ship in April. Your card will be charged when your order is shipped. Be sure to place your preorder today!
Krystal Bracelet
When you wear this one-of-a-kind bracelet, you are sharing hope, love, and courage.
Handmade from natural-toned agate stones, this bracelet features the stamped WellHouse logo. Each stone is unique. Measures 7.5 inches long. Packaged in a WorldCrafts cloth bag.
Preorder the Krystal Bracelet through this link.
Thank you for your support of WorldCrafts artisans!